Streamers on
Don't know which server to pick?
Here is a list of streamers and the servers they play on.
If you want to check the population of the servers, you can check New World Server Status.
You can choose to play with them or play on a server with fewer streamers.
* Please remember that people change their minds and streamers are no different. Though every piece of information on this website is manually verified by our incredibly talented team, it may not accurately reflect all choices made on launch day. If you find any discrepancies please do not hesitate to join our Discord and let us know!
World Sets
* Though follower count does not always accurately predict Impact, it is the most accessible metric we been able to collect and verify. Please use our website as a tool for your own investigations should you deem our data insufficient.
Region | Server ▲ | World Set | Streamer | Faction | Impact* | Followers |